Individual Therapy

We know what we believe when we hear what we say

The sheer act of two humans working together on a problem is transformative.  With individual therapy you can work on issues such as:

  • problem solving personal and relational problems
  • issues of anxiety and depression, and other mental health disorders
  • coping with life changes such as grief and loss, or major job or relationship changes
  • identifying maladaptive coping strategies and replacing them with healthy ones
  • struggles with addiction in self or others
  • identity exploration
  • problems around trauma, abuse, and neglect
  • issues surrounding lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender/intersex identity and the coming out process
  • struggles with personality disorders
  • the pain and struggle of codependency
  • issues of aging and life transitions
  • much more

Therapy is a process of discovery, and we are ready to work side-by-side with you.